Lead and Copper Rule

The Federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) whose enforcement agency is the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Agency (DEP) has passed a new ruling concerning Lead & Copper.  Click on the following website https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6et78HZRquI for a notice from the EPA.

This mandate states that the municipality must inform DEP of the water service line leading into each home or commercial facility that it serves with water.

The West Cornwall Township Municipal Authority (“WCTMA”) is in the process of reviewing records to determine the composition of your water service line up to the curb box (the Authority’s portion).  See attached sketch.

The WCTMA needs your help in determining the rest of the water service line to comply with this requirement.

The Document below is to be used by the homeowners to assist the West Cornwall Township Municipal Authority with the information to meet the DEP requirements. Please download the document below if you did not receive a letter requesting your assistance with this project.